Finding True Peace and Joy

We read in the Mathew’s Gospel (Mt 1:12-15) that Jesus was sent to journey through the desert for forty days to be tempted by Satan, who offered him every worldly thing, in exchange for his allegiance. In our desire for peace and joy in our journey through life, the devil brings us temptations, with the promise that if we chase after them, we will eventually find the peace and joy we are seeking.

One way Satan can tempt us is through our pride. He persuades us to shift our focus from Jesus to ourselves. We are lured into comparing ourselves to others which can lead to unhealthy competition and unnecessary busyness. We try to become like somebody else, or covet their possessions, rather than being grateful for who we are and what God has gifted us with. As we pursue these worldly things, we may indeed find happiness, but it will only be temporary. Putting our faith only in ourselves, our own success, our own possessions, our own status, and our own abilities will never bring us true peace and joy.

Only those who choose to live in the Kingdom of God will find true peace and true joy.  Jesus tells us there is good news, that the Kingdom of God is at hand.  It is right here, right now.

The Kingdom of God is wherever God's will is being done. This is why there is something special about Catholic Charities in downtown Flint. In the middle of a city that has seen better days and has had tough times, there are people daily performing works of mercy, clothing people, feeding people, counseling people, and helping them find shelter.  They make God's Kingdom visible on the corner of 5th Avenue and Saginaw, in a place many may not ever think to look for it, but there it is, working every day, sharing the love of Jesus with all who come.

The Kingdom of God also exists in every heart that chooses to surrender to him. In the hearts of those who choose to do his will rather than their own. So living in the Kingdom of God, in a place where we can find true peace and joy, is a choice that we make.

Jesus tells us how to respond to enter that kingdom, repent and believe in the gospel.  Take time to reflect and become aware of the stumbling blocks and temptations the devil puts in our lives, those things that keep us from God.  Pray every day and ask the Holy Spirit to help us turn our focus away from those things and place it intensely on God.  Only with a daily prayer routine will we ever be able to maintain our focus. If you don't have a daily routine, now may be a good time to start one. Repentance involves our choosing to reflect and pray every day.

Believe in the Gospel.  Trust the way God sees you.  You are his unique, beautiful, and precious son or daughter. There is no need for comparison or competition to try to become like somebody else. God made you and loves who he made, to the point that everything he endured through his passion; the betrayal, the humiliation, the rejection, the physical pain, his death, and his resurrection, he did out of his love for you. No matter what, he will never stop loving you. Because of his deep love that we find in the gospel, we can faithfully surrender our hearts to him to follow his will and not our own. 

Turn your focus back to God. Keep your focus on him by praying every day. Trust him, his love for you, and what he is doing in your life, and you will enter and live in his kingdom. There you will experience his true peace and true joy and be able to bring it with you wherever you go.