Amazon Wish List
Your donation helps us make sure that everyone who comes to us in need has warm cloths. Thank you for your donation, you play an important roll in someone’s life!
In-kind donations
Personal Care Items Always Welcome During Hours Listed.
Gently worn and clean clothes, shoes, coats, gloves, hats household goods, and personal care hygiene items welcome at:
Center for Hope Community Closet
812 Root Street. Flint, MI
Monday-Friday: 9:30 –3:00 pm
Owosso Community Closet & Food Pantry
1480 N. M- 52, Ste. 1 Owosso, MI
Monday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Need something for the person who has everything?
Consider a tribute gift in their name! Just click to donate and then check the box that says "I would like to dedicate this donation". You can then print the certificate.
Providing Help . . . Creating Hope.
As a generous benefactor, you have unique gifts and reasons for giving. There are many ways to give, and each gift will be carefully used as directed. Catholic Charities works hard to ensure that every dollar raised has the greatest possible impact on the communities we serve. For answers to your questions about giving, email
Donations of any size are gratefully accepted. If you prefer not to donate online, monetary gifts can be sent to:
Genesee County 901 Chippewa St., Flint, MI 48503
Shiawassee County 1480 N. M- 52,Ste. 1, Owosso, MI 48867
Giving is not just about making a donation;
it's about making a difference.
One of the biggest obstacles to giving is affordability, and about 1 in 8 Americans surveyed said it’s because they “can’t give enough to make a difference.” It may often feel like your actions don’t have an impact on the big picture, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Last year, with the help of people just like you we were able to help literally thousands! So, no matter how much you give, or how insignificant you think it is, your donation makes a huge difference in the lives of those in need.
Become a Monthly Donor
While we appreciate every donation you make at any time of the year to help us carry out our work, by giving regularly you can help us have a greater impact. It ensures we can better plan our future support as we know we can rely on regular funds from recurring donors. Relying on single donations, we have to predict how much money we will receive from an event or campaign, sometimes the funds raised are lower than expected. With recurring donations we have the certainty of a regular amount of support coming in. If you are a frequent giver, becoming a monthly donor also helps you spread the cost of your support over the year instead of donating larger sums at infrequent intervals.
Tribute Gifts
No one likes to toot their own horn. That’s why we like to give you the option to do it for them! If there is someone in your life that you think is awesome donate in their name and we’ll give them a shout out on your behalf! Or perhaps there is a special occasion that you would like to celebrate by helping someone less fortunate! You can make it a one time gift or a monthly contribution.
In Memory of…
When you give a gift in memory of a loved one you are not only honoring your loved one but your contribution will carry their legacy forward and help us continue to provide vital help to those in need in our community. We feel privileged to be able to honor the memory of so many wonderful people, and their commitment to helping others.
Corporate Giving
If you would like to discuss Corporate Partnerships please email
For many companies, giving to Catholic Charities is a compelling way to support the communities where they do business. Make a program grant, sponsor a special event, host a food or clothing drive or volunteer.
Ask your employer if a matching gift program is offered. You may be able to double or triple your generosity with a matching gift.
Planned Giving
We welcome the opportunity to assist as you create philanthropic estate plan. If you have included Catholic Charities in your plans, or would like more information on how to, please email
What is Planned Giving?
Planned giving serves a dual purpose. On the one hand, planned gifts help support worthy causes. At the same time, they can be useful in helping individuals make more substantial gifts, as well as address their own financial needs.
Charitable Giving Annuity
There is a way for you to support Catholic Charities and feel confident that you have dependable income in your retirement years. You can do this with a charitable gift annuity. This popular planned gift can provide you with secure lifetime payments and allow us to further our work on behalf of everyone we serve.
Charitable Endowment
An endowment is a type of donation where the principal amount is invested so that a nonprofit organization can benefit from the income on a long term basis. If structured correctly, endowments have the ability to make organizations more sustainable, better able to plan, and to enable them to move away from survival mode to a steady revenue source.
Beneficiary Designations
A beneficiary designation gift is a simple and affordable way to make a gift to support Catholic Charities. After a person’s death, retirement accounts are exposed as income, and in some cases estate taxes. The best way to avoid these taxes on your retirement plan is to give those assets to a charity. You can designate us as a beneficiary of a retirement, investment or bank account or your life insurance policy. By designating Catholic Charities as your beneficiary, you will ensure 100% of the value of your account benefits those we serve.
IRA Distribution
Did you know you can make a tax free contribution to Catholic Charities directly from your IRA? Annual withdrawals from traditional retirement accounts are required after age 70 1/2, and the penalty for skipping a required minimum distribution is 50% of the amount that should have been withdrawn. However, if you are in the fortunate position of not needing your distribution for living expenses and are charitably inclined, you can avoid income tax on your required withdrawal by donating your money directly to a qualifying charity.
Creative Giving
When it comes making a difference, the sky is the limit, we encourage you to think outside the box to make giving fun and make the most of your donations. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Help with spring planting or fall clean-up to keep our Mary Garden, Peace Park, and grounds beautiful. We also accept donations of lawn mowers, weed wackers, and general gardening equipemnt.
Eat. Drink. Do Good. For your next party, invite guests to bring things for the Soup Kitchens or Community Closet, rather than gifts.
Help someone get to and from their counseling appointments or to a job interview by donating bus passes.