Offender Success

Offender Success is a public safety program based on 20 years of research of what works to help prisoners succeed when they return home. It strives to provide seamless services to prisoners from the first day of their sentence until they are released from prison and complete parole. It engages community groups as vital partners, it lays out clear expectations for parolees, and it holds them accountable for their behavior through enhanced supervision, ultimately leading to a successful returning citizen and safer community.

Attention: Offender Success is seeking to obtain housing for returning citizens and is willing to pay fair market value for housing paroles in St. Clair County. If you or someone you know is interested or can help with this initiative, you're encouraged to reach out to Rochelle Gasso, the Director of Offender Success & Preventative Services for Region 6 OS Re-Entry Services. You can contact her at 810-348-1498 for more information or to discuss potential opportunities.

“ I do not know what path my life might have taken if I did not receive that phone call from Offender Success last year. Well, actually I do. I would probably be in prison again. But God is good.”
— Jim, Offender Success participant

Why use this program?

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More than 90% of prisoners eventually return home. Before the Offender Success was implemented, far too many prisoners had little support in their transition back into their communities, and almost half returned to prison within two years. This revolving door resulted in more victims and added costs to a prison system, diverting precious resources from other priorities like higher education, public schools, and health care. As a result of lack of transitioning programs, the State of Michigan has decided that the best way to prevent crime avoid crimes that result from a lack of resources.

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By providing the needed resources and tools for this population, we have less victims, safer communities and a better economy due to a strong, qualified workforce. Additionally, this program, when successful, improves the quality of life of the family of the citizen returning home.

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Within 30 days of their release, the inmates that are deemed to have a high (or medium) risk of recidivism hold an in-reach conference with their parole agent, and offender success staff to coordinate their needs. During this video conference that is streamed from within the prison, we assess their housing, employment, mental health and social service needs.

Upon the release the parolees are required to report immediately to their parole agent. At that time, their agent makes an official referral to Offender Success enabling us to provide the necessary resources to the parolee for the term of their parole.

“Since my release, I have been able to buy a new car, and a home for my family. I don’t like to think about where I might be now if it weren’t for the planning and the support of Offender Success.”
— Tom, Offender Success participant

For more information or to speak to someone regarding this program please call the Offender Success Office (810) 484-2828 |

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Empowering citizens with felonies through coaching, education, and employment for Re-Connection within our communities.
For more information contact: Dennis Weinand, (248) 207-8125.