Who Are You?

In the Gospel of John (1:19-22), we hear the Pharisees ask John the Baptist, “Who are you?”. That's a question that can be directed to each one of us, “Who are you?”

Knowing who we are is one of our basic human needs. When we know who we are, we are confident, calm, and have a sense of purpose. Knowing who we are determines what we believe, and our beliefs affect what we do and how we live. Knowing who we really are is important.

There are forces in society that try to answer that question for us by influencing us to believe that we are someone who we are not. These forces cause us to compare ourselves to others and judge who we are based on their happiness, the things they own, the power or status they have, or their appearance. Acting out of those false beliefs can cause us to take some extreme and even inappropriate actions to answer the question “Who are you?” but these actions will eventually leave us feeling miserable, and meaningless. 

There are different “I am” statements that affect how we answer this question. I am who others see me to be. I am who I see me to be. I am who God sees me to be. Of those statements, only one is the truth. If we experience a persistent sense of frustration, disconnection, or unfulfillment, it is the truth that is missing from our life. I am who God sees me to be.

In God’s eyes, you are his. Created in his image and likeness. Awesomely and wonderfully made. You are unique, you are beautiful, you are precious just as he made you. There is no need to change yourself to become who somebody else says you need to be, to be loved. God created you and God loves who he created - so much so - that he came to earth that first Christmas so he could be with you because he loves you. 

Jesus chose you. You are special to him; so special that you can go to him with whatever is weighing on your heart or mind, and he will always listen.  He will never turn you away. He will forgive the sins and remove the baggage you carry.  He will lay down his life for you. He will conquer death for you, so you never have to die. No matter what, he will never stop loving you and wants you to live with him in love forever. The one who God loves so much, is who you really are.

While there may be times we will actually feel this love God has for us, that may not usually be the case. It is more than that.  This is a truth that we need to know in our mind and remind ourselves of daily. This is a truth we need to teach our children. This is a truth we need to lovingly proclaim to others.

This truth of who we really are should bring joy to our life. We are confident. Because of our trust and faith in Jesus, we know for certain that he loves us as he made us, and we know for certain nothing will ever change that.  We are calm. Confident in who we really are, we have no need to get caught up in all the craziness of others trying to influence us to be someone we are not to feel loved. With confidence and calmness, we live with a sense of purpose, to love God, to see others the way he does, and share the love he has for us with them, whoever they are, wherever we are, and whatever we’re doing. Our faith in Jesus Christ and who he says we really are gives meaning and purpose and joy to our life.

God, help me to see myself the way you see me, love myself the way you love me, and forgive myself the way you forgive me. Fill my life with meaning, with purpose, and with joy.